In the right educational environment, dyslexia is NOT a disability.
Its strengths of mind are learning assets.
Our students expand their knowledge and gain valuable life experiences as they explore local resources through engaging in interdisciplinary themes. Learners deepen their appreciation of the fine arts and do meaningful community service in the process!
Marine Science
Our educators guide students on an exciting undersea journey—exploring marine science through multimedia activities and hands-on resources. They delve into the habitats, life forms, and environmental issues of Earth’s oceanic regions while sharpening their literacy skills by completing tasks tailored to their individual abilities. Our passionate teachers and tutors ensure that everyone can experience this wonderful learning adventure!
Students also team up with a nonprofit organization called the Friends of Palm Beach and help clean up a portion of beautiful beachfront. While learning about the global nature of the problem, the students are empowered to act locally.
Students take a cosmic journey into outer space exploration. From the world-renowned Kennedy Space Center nearby to galaxies far away, they're exploring everything from American space flight history and satellite development to energy production in distant stars. They're even learning more about data gathering with telescopes and rovers! This out of this world educational experience is preparing them for exciting futures.
After weeks of learning, our older students have participated in astronaut training activities with experienced NASA scientists. Meanwhile, our younger ones discover Kennedy Space Center's diverse landscape and its wonders. Get ready - no student should miss out on this adventure!